Nature's Sunshine

Published: Apr 29, 2020

The Herb Farm Co. offers solutions to help YOU, your pets and farm animals to achieve a higher level of health.

We highly recommend Nature's Sunshine Company Herbs. Natures Sunshine Company gives us the tool to build and repair all systems in the body. We are able to offer our clients the safest and most effective herbal formulas available.

Because of the fear involved with the coronavirus it is important to understand that the nutritional value of our food is the building block of our immune system.  This system acts like a shield protecting us against harmful bacteria and viruses.

Mercedes is using selective formulas by the Natures Sunshine product line for her dog and cat clientele. She has written herbal formulas for each issue that the eye of the horse, cat or dog is showing.

Mercedes teaches her classes in animal iridology and herbal formulas on line.

For more information or classes and times call, please call!