
Published: Apr 07, 2020

I believe that talking to you about the effects of toxic (heavy) metals in your body and how to eradicate them is the most sincere help that I can give to all my clients whether they are human or animal.  Until you can clear the way through these metals you will not be able to absorb nutrients for your health, healing, and longevity. On the continual use of zeolite, you will find their micro property abilities to improve your body's ability to fight off viruses.

I am a strong believer in the healing effects of zeolite.  This mineral is helping me and our clients get back their Vitality.  I am referring to feeling alive not only physically but also mentally. This company has the best zeolite on the market and has everything that I need to help me, my family, my friends, and my animals.

Please join me at: for a 10% discount on zeolite use code 'eyes' or call me for more information (I'd love to talk to you.)