Iridology Report Generator For Windows

Published: Aug 27, 2020

I am happy to announce the new iridology generated report for all animals (human, cat, dog, and horse) is now available.

This Iridology generated report is a Windows-compatible program that quickly and easily generates a multi-page iridology report from the analyses of the eye that you or a qualified iridologist has performed. This printed report will educate the client as to what weaknesses their irises show and what nutritional (herbs vitamins and supplements) and dietary changes would be suggested to support those weak areas.

Hats off to the very talented Kay Lubecke, National Manager with NSP and worldwide nutritional lecturer who has written the results of the Iridology Report Generator for the human and to Mercedes Colburn, Ph.D., author, animal naturopath and world-wide animal Iridology educator has written the results of the Iridology Report Generator for the dogs, cats, and horses.

Please be aware that the program does not analyze the iris but only generates a report on the areas of weakness that you or a qualified iridologist has preformed.   

Additionally, you can customize the report information, adding subtracting or changing any of the information.

To purchase this iridology report, contact Mercedes through this website for ordering information.